Identifying stress when working from home

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2 min 23 sec
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Stress is a problem when remote working just the same as it can affect you when you work in the workplace.  The problem is that it is not something that you may be aware that you are experiencing.

Stress can show itself in many ways, but some include:

·      Having negative feelings regarding your job
·      Tiredness
·      Depression
·      Feeling exhausted
·      Low performance
·      Feeling upset
·      Problems communicating with others
·      Bad temperament
·      And finally, not wanting to work remotely and wanting to go back to the workplace.

Stress does not always mean people are not doing their job, but stress also occurs when you work too much, with long hours as they feel they need to work harder as they are working remotely.

Experiencing depression while home working is not something that is rare, in a survey 18% of people during the pandemic reported having depression at different levels compared with only 5% before the pandemic.

To avoid and reduce depression, it is important to have a good work-personal life balance. Take a while to look at how your work and your personal life mix and then try and get the balance better. Having your work area in a different room is better as you can close the door and forget about it rather than having your laptop with you in the lounge and be tempted to work into the evening.

Depression and stress can continue to be serious mental health issues. So if you think you are experiencing stress, talk to your employer and family to work out a solution.  Employers can help reduce stress and mental health problems by keeping in touch with staff and making sure they do not feel alone.

Some things you can do to reduce stress include:
·      Be aware of longer hours, know targets and work towards them.
·      Discuss problems and worries with colleagues and employer
·      Set a routine and stick to it
·      Keep in touch so you do not feel alone and discuss how others are doing, they may have the same problems as you and they may have a solution
·      And finally, you do not have to be perfect, set your priorities and keep the pressure low and do not get distracted by low priority tasks.

In other videos, we will look a little more about mental ill-health.